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Melbourne Airport flight path & noise tool

Project description

To support the development of Melbourne Airport's Third Runway we have created a visitor centre designed to allow the community to understand the proposed options, the project’s masterplan and to register vital feedback critical to the airport’s development.

Users can take a tour of the airport estate via a virtual map, hear from Airport CEO, Lyell Strambi, register for information sessions with airport staff and make submissions on the master plan and third runway project.

Airport runway noise is often a contentious issue, so it is important that the local communities can fully understand how new runway developments, flight paths and aircraft noise can impact a region. We have developed an interactive noise mapping tool that allows a user to input their home address and assess the noise impacts on their property. Users can examine current flight paths and noise contours versus three runway options and the time of day.

Visit the Flight Path and Noise tool here:

Project details

Client:Melbourne Airport
Tags: Interactive Engagement Portals & Map