Renewables – Creating community energy to power success



Renewables – Creating community energy to power success

With Australia set to boom from investment in renewable energy projects, there are many lessons to learn from pioneering projects and how they have engaged communities to build support, overcome objections and ensure project success.

Having supported key projects such as Snowy 2.0, Lake Lyell Pumped Hydro, Star of The South and Renewable Energy Zones in Victoria and New South Wales, our team has been at the forefront of transformative projects that, are in their early phases with various challenges to overcome as they go from concept to reality.

Spatial Media’s Nicole Vaughan shared her insights on what we have learned supporting key projects.

“Renewables projects, like any major infrastructure projects, face challenges in gaining community acceptance. From concerns about visual impact and disruption to the natural environment and a lack of understanding regarding renewables technologies to land and property rights, projects can become mired in misinformation, negative narratives about reliability and questionable figures about benefits and return on investment compared to coal or gas-powered generation.”

“The reality is often very different, and in our experience, success comes through having community and stakeholder engagement strategies in place that do more than tick boxes. They should educate early, inspire, allow dialogue rather than just inform, address concerns, and reduce fears about change. The most successful projects we have worked with have hit that balance and changed community perception, understanding and acceptance,” said Nicole.

Based on her experience and involvement in key projects, here are Nicole’s top 5 strategies and tactics to foster community engagement in renewables projects.

Strategy 1: Foster Transparent Communication

  • Establish open dialogue channels for consistent and clear communication with the community.
  • Provide regular updates on project progress and address community concerns promptly.
  • Organise informational sessions to educate the public about the benefits and processes of renewable projects.
  • Develop a dedicated project website and/or social media presence for easy access to information.
  • Create visual aids like infographics to simplify complex technical information.

Strategy 2: Engage in Collaborative Decision-Making

  • Involve community members in planning and decision-making processes.
  • Form advisory committees that include local stakeholders and experts.
  • Conduct workshops and roundtables to gather diverse perspectives and ideas.
  • Implement feedback mechanisms to show how community input shapes project outcomes.
  • Promote co-ownership or investment opportunities to give the community a stake in the project’s success.

Strategy 3: Enhance Community Benefits

  • Offer economic incentives such as job creation and local investment.
  • Support local initiatives that align with community values and interests.
  • Establish scholarship programs for education in renewable energy fields.
  • Create a community fund where a portion of project profits supports local projects.
  • Ensure equitable distribution of benefits to all community segments.

Strategy 4: Build Trust through Consistency and Reliability

  • Maintain a consistent presence in the community through local offices or representatives.
  • Deliver on promises and commitments made to the community.
  • Address grievances through a transparent and efficient complaint resolution process.
  • Showcase successful projects and testimonials to build confidence in new initiatives.
  • Conduct independent audits to verify project claims and share the results openly.

Strategy 5: Respect Cultural and Environmental Values

  • Conduct thorough environmental impact assessments to minimise adverse effects.
  • Respect indigenous lands and traditions by seeking consent and providing benefits.
  • Collaborate with First Nations communities to integrate traditional knowledge into project planning.
  • Implement sustainable practices that protect local flora and fauna.
  • Educate on renewable energy's environmental advantages to foster a sustainability culture.

“The strategies employed are not a magic bullet; however, if implemented in good faith, they resonate with communities, speed up acceptance and create collaboration between projects and communities. This is vital for many communities, regardless of the reality of renewable energy, technologies are seen as unproven, projects are located in remote and regional areas, often in areas of outstanding natural beauty or with significant cultural heritage.”

“Therefore, it’s only natural that people are wary; as much as many of us say we love change, we don’t. Change causes uncertainty and discomfort, and people require reassurance that the changes they experience will have a long-term benefit – or at least no long-term pain.”

“Renewable projects are, in my opinion, challenged more than other projects. For example, understanding a new rail line or highway makes sense to communities and the general public—people know what roads and railways are; they use them. However, renewables projects are large-scale with technologies that are still unknown to many (electricity comes from the wall outlet), and thought isn’t given to where it's generated or stored or how it gets to us.”

“The best practice strategies I have seen implemented all use multiple engagement points to tell the story or a project, create opportunities for consultation and feedback, and build awareness about the benefits of a project while overcoming natural community concerns.”

“Across the billions of dollars of projects we have supported, we’ve invested in, developed and rolled out a range of digital engagement tools, resources and platforms that enhance community engagement strategies further.”

“An excellent example is our work for Energy Australia’s Lake Lyell Pumped Hydro Scheme. Through an amazing explainer video, we could showcase the project's features and benefits, highlight how pumped hydro works, address concerns about environmental impacts, and outline the long-term benefits.”

“The video was supported through mapping, visualisation, imagery, video content, and a virtual tour, which supported community engagement and helped tell the story of Lake Lyell and pumped hydro,” said Nicole.

To support your community engagement and connect your project with stakeholders using the latest technologies and platforms, visit Generation for Generations Link to see what’s possible.