Nicole Vaughan

Client engagement team

Nicole's role as Project and Accounts Manager involves a lot of variety to ensure client satisfaction, projects run smoothly, and engaging closely with the renewables industry.

A little more about Nicole

Nicole has a very photogenic (& energetic) dog called Mala who is an Australian Shepherd... and has her own emojis in our Slack!
Nicole is more a sweet tooth - chocolate over cheese anyday!

North East Link Project

3D and video
Digital twins and training

Humelink Interactive Map

Web portal

The Plains Energy Park

Web portal

Star of the South

Web portal
Digital twins and training

Working at Spatial

It's important our team reflects the diversity of our work and the world around us. We're always looking for unique voices, curious minds, and those who want to change the way we shape the places around us.

We innovate fast and encourage intrigue

Anti-corporate flat structure

Work from home, always and forever

Join a new way of working

We know it's the talent and effort of our people who drive our success and reputation, so you're our number one. Do you do your best work at 2 AM? that works for us, if it works for you.

Task-based; set your own hours

Quarterly RDOs and flexible schedules


All voices are equal and all ideas valid